有人近在眼前,但是咫尺天涯, 有人遠在天邊,但思念穿越時空。 為先人在「無盡思念」網站建立紀念網頁, 讓親友透過網頁,互相分享舊的回憶, 新的經歷。 親友一字一句就好像飛揚的蒲公英, 跨越時空,穿梭回憶, 將摯親感情不斷延續下去。
memorial.gov.hk Fond memories of our loved ones will linger on. Creating a memorial webpage for our beloved at “memorial.gov.hk” allows family members and friends to share past memories and new experiences. Their words are like flying dandelions, transcending time and space, passing on love that never dies.
我寫下了嫲嫲的故事 我在食物環境衞生署的 「無盡思念」網站 (www.memorial.gov.hk)為 已故的嫲嫲開設紀念網頁, 讓親友可隨時隨地在網上 追憶及悼念她。
I have written down grandma’s story I have created a webpage for my late grandmother using the Internet Memorial Service (www.memorial.gov.hk) provided by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. Family members and friends can pay tribute to her from anywhere and at any time online.
我在「無盡思念」網站的 紀念網頁,寫下嫲嫲的生平 及資料,並上載了相片集和 錄像。親友可在紀念網頁 傳送留言及選擇預設的網上 祭品(如鮮花、水果、食物等) 表達心意,亦可利用流動 電話,透過網站的流動版 (www.m.memorial.gov.hk) 瀏覽網頁及留言。
Using the Internet Memorial Service, I have written grandmother’s biography and profile and posted her photographs and videos in the webpage. Family members and friends may pay tribute to her through posting messages and other “online offerings” (e.g. flowers, fruits, food, etc.) in the webpage. They may also browse the mobile version (www.m.memorial.gov.hk) and post messages through mobile telephones.
資料來源: http://www.fehd.gov.hk/english/cc/images/ims_booklet.pdf